How to save water in a new-build home

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New-build homes are packed with features that are designed to help our environment and keep your utility bills as low as possible – from highly-efficient heating systems to wall insulation made using recycled bottle-bank glass, and dual-flush toilets that help to reduce water wastage. However, there’s always more that we can do in our homes when it comes to saving water and making a difference to the world we live in, as well as to our household budgets.

To help you, we’re sharing some great insights and water-saving tips from the Home Builders Federation (HBF) and Waterwise, the UK’s leading authority on water efficiency, to help you make the most of your energy-efficient new-build home and keep your water usage to a minimum.

Why is it important to save water in a new-build home?

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  • You’ll lower your bills: Research conducted by the HBF found that the average water bill for new-build homes is 27% cheaper than in pre-existing homes, thanks to built-in water efficient features. Saving water in a new-build home absolutely means saving money too.
  • You’ll reduce your home’s carbon emissions: Using less water means you’re also using less energy to heat and pump it, which reduces your carbon footprint and maximises the energy-saving potential of your new-build home.
  • You’ll help to protect nature: Every litre of water that you save in your new home means more can stay in rivers and lakes for our wildlife.
  • You’re adapting to a changing climate: In light of extreme weather patterns we’ve seen across the world, it’s more important than ever to conserve water.

Ways to save water in new-build homes

Saving water in your bathroom

029 Bellway Wessex Langmead Place Arkwright Rooms

From fixing leaky toilets to taking shorter showers, here are some water-saving tips to use in your new-build home bathroom.

  • Limit your showers: Keep your showers to four minutes or less in duration – you could try setting a timer, or playing your favourite song in the bathroom to challenge yourself to finish your shower before the music ends. While new-build Bellway homes are fitted with water-efficient showers, reducing your time in the shower by a minute can save between 6 and 15 litres of water.
  • Look out for leaky toilets: Leaking toilet cisterns are a common culprit for water waste. If you suspect you may have a leak, place a piece of dry toilet paper at the back of your toilet bowl overnight. If it’s wet in the morning, you have a leak – your water supplier may fix it for free, or you can call a plumber. If your new-build Bellway home is still within its two-year warranty period, contact your divisional Customer Care team for support with any bathroom leaks.
  • Follow the three-P toilet rule: Only flush pee, poo, and paper down your toilet to prevent blockages and potential damage to the environment. When using a dual-flush toilet, use the half flush button as often as possible as this will cut your water usage to three litres per flush, instead of six.
  • Turn off the taps: Don’t leave taps running when washing your hands, as this can waste six litres of water per minute. Make sure to fix a dripping tap promptly too, or up to 5,500 litres of water per year could go down the drain.
  • Put the plug in: When filling your bathtub, always put the plug in the drain before you turn on the tap to avoid wasted water.
  • Consider reusing your bathwater: Before you let your water drain away, consider if you can reuse your bathwater – such as for pre-soaking clothes before washing, or watering your outdoor plants, which are hardy enough to tolerate ‘greywater’ rather than fresh water every time.

Saving water in your kitchen

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Here are our ideas for reducing your water usage in your new-build home kitchen, including taking care with your kettle, and making your cooking water go further.

  • Use your dishwasher efficiently: Whether your new-build home comes with an integrated dishwasher, or you add one after you move in, you can use it more efficiently by skipping the pre-rinse cycle (scraping is enough), always running it on a full load, and using the energy-saving mode.
  • Hand-wash dishes thoughtfully: Use a washing-up bowl when washing dishes by hand, and if you need to rinse off any soap suds, turn off the tap in between each item.
  • Don’t overfill your kettle: Only boil the amount of water you need, to save on both water and energy.
  • Put a lid on it: Always use the right sized lid for your saucepan when cooking to avoid losing water through evaporation, and to cook your food more quickly.
  • Reuse your cooking water: Don’t throw away the water you’ve used for boiling vegetables – use it to make even tastier gravy or sauces, or once it’s cooled, use it for rinsing fresh vegetables or to nourish your garden.
  • Store cold water in your fridge: If you like drinking very cold water, keep a large bottle of water in your fridge (or use the integrated water dispenser if your fridge has one) to fill your glasses rather than running the tap until it’s cool enough for your liking.
  • Don’t waste leftover water: Hydrate your indoor plants with the water left over in drinking glasses or bottles.

Saving water in your garden

Bellway NHC Brook Meadows Externals

Our handy hints for saving water in your new-build home garden will keep your grass and plants looking great, while you’re being mindful of the wider environment.

  • Choose real grass over artificial turf: Did you know that thousands of litres of water are required to produce just one square metre of artificial turf? On the other hand, natural grass can survive spells of dry weather and doesn’t need to be watered often, as well as providing a home and sustenance for wildlife.
  • Pick plants that can tolerate dry conditions: To save more water in your new-build home garden, introduce drought-resistant plants such as lavender, jasmine, and verbena, which require less watering than many other types of plants. A handy tip is to look out for plants that have silver or grey-green leaves, which reflect the sun’s harsh rays.
  • Add a trigger to your hosepipe: Using a trigger nozzle attachment on your hosepipe can reduce your water usage by half, as you’re able to water only where it’s needed. Alternatively, use a watering can so you have full control over how much you use.
  • Use mulch or bark to keep moisture in: A layer of bark or mulch over the top of your flower beds helps to keep moisture in the soil and reduce how frequently you need to water.
  • Install a water butt: Collect ‘free’ rainwater by installing a water butt in your garden and use this for watering your plants and other outdoor cleaning tasks, instead of fresh mains water.

Why are new-build Bellway homes more energy efficient?

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From the ground up, every detail in a new-build Bellway home has been carefully considered to maximise energy efficiency, so you can enjoy lower utility bills after you move in – whilst enjoying the knowledge that your home has been built to be better for the environment.

Bellway houses are constructed using innovative and energy-efficient techniques, materials and technologies; the contemporary heating, lighting and water technologies used can slash the costs of these bills and save you hundreds of pounds, compared to a second-hand home.

99% of new Bellway homes hold Energy Efficiency Performance (EPC) ratings of B or above, while just 5% of existing homes hold the same rating. Additionally, the average new-build home emits just 1.22 tonnes of carbon per year, which is 65% less than a comparable pre-existing property.

Visit the Bellway website to find out more about our energy-efficient homes and the many more great reasons to buy new, before searching for your nearest Bellway development. You can also find lots more information and advice on saving water on the Waterwise website, including water-saving tips for at home and in the workplace.

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