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Pride in the job

Pride in the Job is the most highly regarded competition in the homebuilding industry. Not only does it reflect our core purpose to create beautiful new homes of outstanding quality, it is a prestigious benchmark for exceptional site managers across the nation.

Site managers must demonstrate a strict criteria of excellence in order to win a Pride in the Job award. The competition assesses consistency, attention to detail, leadership, interpretations of drawings and specifications, technical expertise, and health and safety – among a host of other specialties. An astounding 45 Bellway site managers have been awarded Pride in the Job in 2024, among the few across the UK who have been recognised as the best in the business. With our site managers representing 10% of the overall winners of this year's award, rest assured you’re in safe hands with Bellway.

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Supreme Award runner-up

We’re proud to say that our project manager, Adam Hawkes, has finished as Supreme Award runner-up in the 2024 NHBC Pride in the Job Awards. Adam, who has led the way on our Sapphire Fields site in Essex, has been driving our standards even higher when it comes to new homes. The fantastic recognition he has received from reaching the finals of this prestigious competition shows just how dedicated Adam is to his role. 

Congratulations to Adam and our other Pride in the Job Supreme Award finalists.

On his recent success, Adam said: "It was an amazing experience. To be there among all those incredible site managers at the top of our field and all chosen by the NHBC to share that moment was brilliant.  

“To have my name read out as a runner-up and everyone cheering me like a winner, it was a great experience, and it was a privilege and an honour to be there and represent Bellway.”

“Adam’s well-deserved success comes as the crowning moment of Bellway’s achievements within the NHBC’s Pride in the Job awards this year."" – James Griffin, Group Construction Director

Bellway celebrates success

On Bellway’s recent success at the prestigious Pride in the Job awards, James Griffin, Group Construction Director for Bellway, said:

"Hard work, experience and skill are essential to reaching this level, but it is also about having an exceptional attitude to standards, detail and quality. Our people most certainly have this, and it shows not only in the quantity and prestige of the awards we have won, but most importantly in the homes we are building.”

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